
Internet trolls, are also sadly, the majority beings of the universe who'd do anything to make themselves look stupid, pass on stupid bills and vote for stupid people.

This reminds me of this Newsweek article that Obama should concentrate on how to handle the complexities of the Congress instead of appearing on TV so much. But how to? The media had announced an all out war against him for the health care reforms he proposed in which he wishes to push for the bill approval by end of this year.

It's an insane media war Mr. President have to fight. So if the World's Most Charismatic President is having trouble engaging not just his own people, what do you think a puny little state leader like ours can?

Mr. Prime Minister was the smartest, he just don't answer. Mr. Chief Minister whom everyone is going against in Penang right now, tries his best to appease everyone, but also to cover up his mistakes for allowing certain things to pass through before the Kampung Buah Pala scenario had gone out of hand. I believe you can find those issues just by reading Anil Netto, Chan Lilian, and a lot of them Citizen Journalists in Penang. I myself, being not a Penangite, cannot be assured that my ground will be neutral.

It is just that we all grew up to have the most stubborn heads I've seen. To put it in a more general way of explaining situations, no matter how many times the latter news articles had clarified that the late Michael Jackson was suffering from a skin disease that sees his skin became whiter, my mother was still convinced that he bleached his skin, and very much kept announcing so during his death.

And you'd think people haven't tried to explain to her. I did, got into an argument about it to her about it somemore, but it did not see a change to what she sees. Whatever she sees, she's still utterly convinced that his skin was bleached. Can't say that I didn't try no?

The same goes for the climate change issue, the politics in our country, the annoyance towards more and more capitalist ideals now even appearing in the blogosphere. No matter how many intelligent comments given to clarify issues concerning these things, there's more stupider, lower comments that will tend to override what have just been clarified. Intelligence is getting swallowed up, and the only time intelligent people can rebuke stupidity is to show the exact moronic views uttered by themselves to others, and let other stupid people judge their own stupidity laughing at others, until they are being judged as well.

Yes, people. Welcome to the War of Stupids and Trolls. And currently they are always winning due to the coloured views of the world which the dominant people are encouraging and pushing through.

Then you might ask, what is intelligence? Who can call themselves intelligent and smart, or heck, is intelligence even gradeable?

I sincerely don't know. But I know that I'm looking at this really awkward culture being brought up that look like it'll swallow up the world. Well, maybe the world I see will be swallowed, not the whole world. It's still big, no matter how small Walt Disney claims it to be.

As for the Kampung Buah Pala issue, I can safely say, the people who are yelling and pointing fingers at Mr. Chief Minister right now, are people who did not study Public Administration. These offices, they have protocols, and they, sadly, do not work entirely under the state government. So go cry to the Big Bad Wolf, if you can even reach him. Don't get stuck outside the Putrajaya Perdana like some other blogger does.

Although if I were to be a local journalist next year, maybe the first article I will work on is "Kampung Buah Pala - could it have been avoided?", and then ask everyone who wants to give a piece of their mind, or see them claim amnesia to the issue or refuse to give any answer that is smart. That will shut the old trolls up....and make way for new trolls for attack ;)

And I'm not a person without faults. I have, sadly, find myself unable to commit to the 350 climate change no matter how Rin pushes it to me. I like her concept, but my coloured principles prevented me from taking a very active step other than what I'm doing now, which is recycling, reusing, etc etc.

I wonder though, could it be that we are destined to born with coloured, biased principles, therefore God gave us skin colours, and then we try to unmask ourselves by siding with our colours, or have a new principle altogether.


But still, end thing is, I'm tickled with glee at how we Malaysians react when it concerns our country, and our politics. I bet any citizen reacts the same way, except with America, they converse better than our half-baked English methinks.


Finals sucks my soul. Sorry folks who've been waiting for something.

But I'd recommend this song if you feel down. I just watched Cars a few days ago and I loved the storyline and this song to bits! Maybe I'm just a homey person, I get teary thinking about the abandonned town. But it's okay. I love this song. Have to continue studying though so sorry.

Give a Thumbup if it made your day a lil brighter. =)

Torn Asunder

My heart that has been
Pulled, Befuddled
Reasons not known but only to me

Torn, Torn and only Torn,
Stretched but not till its limits
If I will myself to commit, no more self

Wish for the stars for something?
I grab the opportunities
It's faster for me to huddle and crash through
instead of using a group

For some reason
Rock with You sings through me
I love him
That singer

What is but of dreams to me?
Find that question hard to answer
Not when it's easily dashed
Actually not really
My main agenda remained

Eyes look into the sky
Feet tied to the ground
Paralysed, unable to move
What am I to you?

Uncapable to touch the sky
No one wants the dirt I'm carrying
Definitely, maybe
The only comfort was the ability to still grab dirt

I'm sorry
I wish to
But if you can look at what I'm carrying
Maybe it's not supposed to be

How many are fortunate?
I'm fortunate
fortunate enough to survive that is
Not fortunate to extend help

Ring around, ring around,
Torn asunder, torn to pieces
I'll put me back again
But not you

I'm torn
Will remain so
Until my things change
for my sake

Merdeka post - My thoughts rang true from an unlikely someone

Sorry for the belated Merdeka post, my heart's fluttering somewhere that day, and my concentration's not full enough to dedicate yet another disappointing year in the Malaysian books.

However, somewhere quite far away from home, I saw a blog post that were buried in the archives from someone very unlikely, someone famous enough for me to dig through that archive and eventually found that thought-provoking post that I think what Malaysians should think about.

That person, is Jason Mraz.

I know, I've never really raved about him, but after watching his concert and writing a review about it. (I did say I interned in a newspaper right? Go find them. Hint: English newspaper only *winks*) I went to check his blog and I really liked his writings. So quirky, so unpredictable.

Never did I think that he'd write a post that struck so true, so my dedication to my Malaysia, is through him.

Credits to Jason Mraz, for touching the lives of not just his musical fans, but also from his blog (Note - he wrote this as a campaign for Barack Obama, but once you minus that factor, it still struck true to Malaysians):

"Patriotism 101, Ignorance & Why I’m VOTING for President Obama!

Patriotism isn’t necessarily a good thing. When the World Trade Center was skillfully felled, Americans felt threatened suddenly, and were told immediately it was the doing of Terrorists from Afghanistan. With blind faith we wielded our flags and gave permission to our young men to leave home and begin global terror of our own. We continued blindly down that road for years until hundred of communities and thousands of lives were destroyed by US brut force.

Yes, the United States, a country founded by immigrants in search of promise and independence, is the same country that suspiciously views any non-American as some kind of enemy or alien species. How did this happen? Since when did we become some proud American Race?

Heck. I forget sometimes that the early settlers, pilgrims, and explorers also relied on slavery and the slaughtering of indigenous tribes. So perhaps we’re doing nothing new and being bad is just stuck in our genes.

I grew up hearing racial slurs left and right by elders and peers. The hurtful, fear based words were usually names inserted after discriminatory remarks such as, “Learn to speak English, you ________.” I never understood it.

Growing up, there was always at least one kid at school from some place else and he or she never EVER posed a threat to me. I was always impressed with their worldly view or neat cultural interests they displayed at talent shows and show & tell.

Patriotism has caused this country to think it’s the only country in the world, that the world should respect our authority for some reason. This singular way of thinking is not only making the US an embarrassment, it’s positioning us quickly as the new enemy.

I do not want someone in the White House with previous WAR experience. I am NOT voting for Patriotism. I am voting for peace, progress, and unity. Sadly, this vote is referred to as the vote for change. Because peace, progress and unity is something we still do not represent in the United States.

I do not want someone in the White House who will continue to seek out Al-Qaeda and trick TV watching Americans into thinking we should invade Iran. (Sadly, that is what is happening between commercial breaks, and some candidates are oddly supporting MORE WAR. ????)

I also do not want someone in the White House who continues to allow lobbyists to influence the decisions of our lawmakers. The corporate money that contributes to Congress will always be worth more than your votes or phone calls that you make to your Senator or Representative. Chain emails and petitions don’t seem to have the same charm as their fat checks. If it did, Health Care would be affordable or free, our vehicles would be electric, and there would likely be enough jobs for everyone in the country, as we wouldn’t have closed so many manufacturing plants in the last 50 years.

With enough votes, Washington will HAVE to listen to us. It’s been too close in the past therefore the WAR-mongers keep on doing their dirty business.

Our nation is divided in far too many ways. We are split socially and economically and it’s at its worst inside the government.

Republicans and Democrats are both Americans with equal rights, yet somehow they are discriminated against based on opinion and fall too favorably to one side or the other without being open to respectful dialogue.

I’m being drastic, but I’m not.

I hope America can pull itself out of the hole she appears to be in. I hope the dollar can climb back up to a realistic value. I hope the Corporations are given less power and local people are able to participate in capital adventures again.

Rather than put so much emphasis on enemies and foreign policies, I hope America wakes up to its own poverty situation. We are not the leaders of the free world anymore, so why not do some housework in the meantime and get our shit together.

Rather than put so much emphasis on enemies and foreign policies, I hope America wakes up to its own poverty situation. We are not the leaders of the free world anymore, so why not do some housework in the meantime and get our shit together."

Our country is not the free country, it's not the biggest country in the universe, but it acts as much a miscreant as the biggest country itself. Not just the ruling party, but the opposition as well. We need to wake up and prick ourselves to the biggest thorn on earth - we are not competent in any sort in this world. Our youngsters, in any rate, SUCK at finding work anywhere. So Lets do something this Merdeka - Do your worst to show love for your country if you truly want it to develop. Whether to equip yourself, to be an activist, to actively write in any space. Show that you care, you do love this country.
Be a lover, not a patriot.
Selamat Hari Merdeka.