What Matters: Education or Mentality?

Okay, I know I have that Rocker Chick section to put, which is why I'm going to start up both columns called "What Matters" and "Rocker Chick Section" today. And as the other Column is extremely visually enhanced, I shall start with something with text first, capish? And thank you for the attention.

This actually stemmed from what I've read in blogs everywhere, from mainstream ones to friend's blogs. I've even wrote an essay about Local University vs Foreign University. However, I kept saying that foreign universities offer the better one out of the two, but my essay scores came out then was, extremely bad. Sigh. But I wouldn't know if it was because of my language, or I was just spending too much time condemning the Local universities when I don't know half of what I'm saying.

But being in one of the local (albeit private) university now, I daresay that with a local degree, I could even apply a job overseas.

Oh, so everybody visiting this blog will immediately roll their eyes until it reaches nowhere further than their cornea. I wouldn't blame them. Even companies all over Malaysia are preferring foreign degrees more than local graduates, what makes me think that with this degree I would be able to get a job?

If I apply a job overseas, would that make my degree a "foreign degree" that everyone had been eyeing for? Heh. Despite the fact that Malaysia's degree might not be as recognised, but I bet half of us don't know any of America's college degrees, and just take them in, just because you saw the American emblem you go "Oh, America! Good good! Hire hire!"

If it was three years ago, I would react that way, but being exposed to many others elements we couldn't find in secondary school. I daresay it makes no difference if you had an education overseas or here.

Yes, it doesn't!

Getting an American education do not exactly mean you are child prodigies or geniuses, sometimes it just meant you are just rich, or maybe you know your way because the American government is extremely generous, by providing scholarships and loans to foreign students. And I didn't say that getting an American education is bad, it's just that you are lucky. And then, what of the others?

Enter the missing element: Mentality.

It is all over the newspaper every single year about the rise of unemployed local graduates. They kept emphasising about "soft skills" and "critical thinking", but wait, why not include "mentality"?

By "mentality", I meant "attitude" and the "willingness to speak up". There is no such thing as "humility" or "reluctance" in a resumé. And from what I see from my own university, over tutorial discussions, and even in an assignment group. Do we get to see alot of them voicing out?


And they give reasons that they came from a lousy background, that their English proficiency is bad, and so many other stupid reasons.

Hey people, never heard of "IMPROVISION"? Okay, maybe you guys don't because if you do your English would be good enough to read my blog and fully understand it.

To the language impaired, it is called "进步".

(I'm sorry for the sudden usage of personal feelings poured into this blog because this is targetted at my university which the Majority starts with a C, and had constantly give such stupid reasons that I felt angry instead of trying to advise them)

So that is the example of a bad mentality.

Because you are constantly criticised, whether by lecturers or friends you do not feel the urge to change. Or by changing the way you read things, or the way you think about yourself.

No, do not even say that because the local education restricted us that much. We have even better students coming here and yet they could pass through with flying colours. Is it really the education's fault?

Or is it ours?

The working world is extremely cruel. (Note: Extremely) Your grades may look better than the seniors but what the boss do is treat you to be a dog first, then work your way up. If you have the right attitude you can make it. If not you just stay at the same phase. That is why I'm extremely furious when people said they rather be together because it is not about working capabilities but rather "He/She is my friend. I will stick to him no matter how lousy they are. I can help them!".

Or because they wouldn't let someone go because with that someone they will always excel in group presentations and tutorial work.

So lets say you are placed with a bunch of lazy people in the company you are working with. What would you do? Work your way through these people, or demand that you'll be sent to an elite group because they'll help you with your performance?

Then maybe you should ask yourself why do you deserve to be with these bunch of lazy people.

There is this statement my mom has said. "The Boss is blind. Only your work performance can make them see what are your abilities."

I dare to mention about this because I've seen enough to testify that Mentality and attitude does matter with the way we work.

I've seen my Arts lecturer who had went for America to study for 6 years, and yet while teaching us her English definitely did not sound American nor English.

My own boyfriend actually failed his STPM. (I'm sure alot of his Broadcasting mates do not bother to know that because he's too AWESOME already! *sacarsm*) And yet he could do good in everything he's given for in this university. And in fact, even if he's thrown into a group that he don't usually work for, he still bend it and turn it over. His group still had one of the highest marks. He might not like to be in that group because it wasn't as good but he definitely didn't step down. Instead he makes the best of it. And now he's constantly under demand. It's almost like people cannot do well without him. Sigh. That is such a sad case.

I myself, had worked with people who are impossible to please, or they have extreme cases in which they will never explain why they cannot do it. And it is not like their work is that great. They just can't, and to add insult, they'll throw it back at the very last minute and I ended up having to work in wee hours just to complete THEIR work. I used to just swallow everything due to the "good of friendship". But now I just became sacarstic, and if my mood is so bad, I'll call them "bastards". Yes, at their face. That's if they really pissed me off that badly.

So to anyone out there reading, you might be so angry, you might cry, you might just shrug it off because not all bosses are like that. But do ponder on the fact that soon you would be out working very soon. Of course education matters, but what about mentality?

Can you or can you not work despite all the situation is against you?

What will bring you to the working front? The fact where your education is, or your mentality?


(Sites to recommend about mentality and education: Vincent Lau, Minishorts, Education in Malaysia, Nigel Pinto [I put his in is because he have many posts that are considerably good for pondering, even if it's funny], Shadowfox)

P.S: Some of the languages they used in these sites may be harsh, but they are not without a point.