New rules

It is right over there at the new slot. Please read. Thank you.

I still have the original postings of the blog. Don't worry. I kept my word, but I do not trust myself to trust others anymore.

Thank you, No Thanks, Goodbye.


Kata untuk diajar hari ini: Irrelevance.

Maksudnya: Something unrelated to a matter being considered.


A friend confided that she had a one night stand with another guy, and she had gotten back with her sonuvabitch boyfriend. She was depressed. I tried to ensure she wasn't grieving too badly, while fighting the urge to ask her about the difference between the two guys because it will be a matter of irrelevance.

Terima Kasih kerana telah belajar satu lagi perkataan yang boleh diguna untuk pertuturan setiap hari.



I have people who assumed I'm going against Earth Hour Malaysia for no particular reason; therefore I'm a cynic.

I have people who assumed I'm not happy with my work; therefore I'm not extending my internship.

I have people who assumed I took my boyfriend for granted just because I do not comment on the handphone; therefore I'm unappreciative of him.

I have people who assumed my articles were good to be published; therefore I'm a good writer/journalist.

I have people who assumed I'm going to accuse them whenever I tried asking them something not discussed before; therefore I doubted their friendship.

I have people who assumed I will know about certain activities through the boyfriend; therefore I do not need to be informed personally.

I have people who assumed they know everything about me; therefore they can say hurtful words without thinking.

I have people who assumed I'm against bloggers and Nuffnang for no good reason; therefore I'm a pessimist.

I have people who assumed I do not change my mind after certain thoughts; therefore I give up easily if there are any changes.

I have people who assumed I do not care; therefore I'm fierce even when playing different roles.

I have people who assumed I'm strong; therefore it is alright to constantly praise me so, or I should not complain everytime I feel emotionally affected and needed a space to rant.

And now, I'm going to assume that I have people who assumed that I'm not happy with their behaviour; therefore I'm writing this.

I just find it amazing that some people just do not know who I am after like, 3 years of friendship? That they could assume so much of me, jumping into conclusions within a snap of a finger?

No offense, but do grow up? Or at least ask me why do I think like that about certain issues that I deemed negative before assuming I was just being a brat like you out there? Sometimes I answer like a brat because I feel that some people don't deserve a mature answer.

If I'm not angry, why am I posting this? Because I'm rather annoyed with the assumptions. Not angry, annoyed. Nice to see how they still couldn't penetrate or couldn't be arsed to get to know me further though. Shows a lot about how they took this friendship and trust for granted huh?

I remember on a dinner, there was a trip being planned, and I jokingly added a guy whom was generally despised. But one guy blurted out "WHO THE FUCK WANT TO INVITE HIM?????" (no joke, that was how loud it was).....leaving an awkward situation, or having the boys all smirking the dark. Probably wondering why was I so stupid to talk about that guy.

If only they knew how he has changed, even noticed and know that he had close to no friends in university now due to certain actions in the past. Oh but, yea, since when my words was ever worth listening to? I don't pout and suddenly not receiving calls or do I get myself into sticky situations so that I need to be rescued. I could be just helping to boost his image only hor?

Of course, how would I know how much they hated him? I didn't bear any sort of grudge nor bitter memories about him in the past, nor am I bearing any now. Sure, annoying he was before, but certainly mellowed down a lot, even knowing when to shut up. Even when only 2 friends turn up for his birthday celebration, he never fretted. In fact, we still had a really good time.

Oh, but what would people know? They assumed he's as lousy as before. Forever. Will be. Always.

And I'm the one laughing inside because I'm amazed by the powers of sociology, the evolution of the EQ and mental maturity. No doubt, I'm not saying that I have the EQ and mental maturity of a God. But at the very least, I try my very best not to assume anything negative that has happened to my friends. My dear friends. My very very dear friends. The ones who tell it straight to your face as if trying to have a debate without checking their facts. The ones who immediately became astounded with my strength, but appalled and disgusted if I ever show my weak self.

And this is why I do not have a best friend. Sorry folks, no such vacancy for any of you =)

Don't read this...i'm talking to myself

I couldn't imagine how sorry I am to screw today up...for no good damned reason, and then caused the person to fuss so much because it was done after the return from Bali.

I'm not surprised if I don't fuss so much after a long trip back and having to face a noob in make up.

"You're in the beauty line. Wear more make up," Man, if only she knew I was only an intern....

I can't help but only to say sorry sorry sorry ><...I seriously screw up. And I'm gonna go to the corner and repent about this.....

No one at fault ler this time. Only me. ><....cannot is definitely not my strongest point....

Once a crap, always a crap.!!

screw screw screw time, let me learn to not do anything....ANYTHING...T_T

Haiz.....why I so smart go and pitch this kind of lousy idea....

------Update at 9.16pm------
I'll just keep updating this like facebook or twitter, because I'm talking to myself mah.....this is where random thoughts will fly out.

Actually, everybody was right, I should've stayed in newsdesk. It may be a strict environment, but at least I only need to answer to three people. The PRs, have nothing against me (I think).

Now I also have to answer to the interviewees and I wonder why do I need to.

I don't like being personal to people that I don't know whether they are vulnerable to me or not.

Sucks, why is this happening?

---------Update at 12.17am-----------
No longer feeling bad, thanks to all the friends I've talked to. Catch you next time. Bye.