
I would like to first issue an apology for my disappearance after so long, being very busy and I'm starting my new semester again. I was supposed to post this a little earlier, but guess I'm a little behind my schedule, which is why an intention to post this on a special day becomes a normal post just like any other. Anyhow, Happy Belated White Day.

White Day, also known as White Valentine, is another type of Valentines' Day practised in Asian regions such as Taiwan, Japan and Korea. Whilst the girls there had the practise to give chocolates to the boys in these countries on Valentines' Day, which is the annual February the 14th, Exactly 30 days later, if the boys had feelings for the girls, they would return the favour, and give the girls gifts. Except, not all girls' partners, are boys.

There is a very odd culture in these 3 countries, whereby a girl student can be seen dating a full grown man. The age gap can be as long as 20 over years. Normally, if this happens in countries like Hong Kong, China, Singapore or even Malaysia, it is a known fact that when a young woman and an old man were together, it is often because the man has money and the woman inherits all of the money if he were to die. But it is a different case in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. The men and the girls were together because they love each other.

Take a look at Japan for instance, it is not odd to find girl students who had crushes on their teachers, who still managed to have good looks despite in their mid-30s or mid-40s. Minus the tv culture aside, and we have many kinds of true stories going around, where love is actually there for those aging men and those young and innocent girls. It is, yet, another symbol where some cultures are find to be troubling while others find it very normal. It is still a respect.

What troubles me is that I can never understand those girls on what they see in a man who is full grown. Is it because he is financially stable? Is it because of his masculinity? Is it because they believe a man is and always will be protective towards them? Or is it that maturity that is depicting an aura, that only the girls can see? Well, it is just this poor girl's troubling thoughts that I will only date a man who is 3 years older and below. I don't even like dating a younger man. I'm just not comfortable dating a man who is old enough to be my brother or uncle. But still, I salute those who had the courage to go beyond that age limit, and still remain very much in love with each other.

Now, truly, love knows no boundaries. We have the consummate love, homosexual love, love that sparks between an elderly and a youngster (regardless of gender), even incest is a kind of love being practised, even if it didn't sound right. I might not be the right person to say this, but, love is really a special feeling that exists inside, deep down, that will emerge when you need it most. It somehows soothes the soul when everything goes smoothly, yet pierce your inner self when everything crumbles down. When everything you build in years, collapses within minutes, you find it very hard to be who you were. You became imperfect. Yet, someone out there loves you for who you are, not for your physical attributes, not for your achievements, not for your status, but for the beauty within that attracts him or her to remain by your side. Cherish whoever that loves you.

This is a saying that matches what I want to point in my whole post:"Love is not about finding the perfect person, but by being able to see a imperfect person perfectly". Once again, Happy Belated White Day. May all the lovers in the world be able to enjoy the happiness they experienced together.