Simple and Clean! 干净利落!我不怕!!

Various bloggers across the nation, even worldwide, had posted the major event of the year that is sure will touch the hearts of those who felt that the time has come. We need to reform. We need new blood into the government system! I was not there to participate, no thanks to having to work. But all the same, I'm touched by the amount of people who believe in peace, that demonstrations are supposed to be peaceful. Mahatma Gandhi has done it before, he gets independence. Our correspondent, Myanmar is currently fighting for their own freedom. They too, march for peace! Such events touched our hearts of the many! We scream for a truthful election!

We are so young yet so bloody ignorant about the current situation. We actually needed some people of the older generation to demonstrate it to us that they need our support for a fine nation! Shame on us youngsters! Shame on us who believed we'd never win! I actually felt ashamed not being able to participate in such a historic event that will sure be the prove of a good rebel to those who are so full of themselves! I'd wish I had been of the age, to be able to vote for the one who deserves it. I'd always knew the members of the Opposition, as my late father always mingle with them. Bless Jeff Ooi, the founder of, who had been really persistent of giving us information about the current situation. Bless Tony Pua, who made us proud as one of the younger men who took the initiative to bring benefits to the nation. Bless Irene Fernandez. I remember she was still able to walk when she attended my father's funeral, though with the help of a walking stick. Now even as she's wheelchair-bound she marched proudly with the able-bodied participants, proudly shouting "Daulat Tuanku", proudly being in the front line with the police, not backing down. Bless these people whom I thought had no hope in trying to bring the current political parties down. But now, as I finally had study politics as part of my degree programme, I came to understand that hope is not lost.

I know it's hopeless to urge my friends or whoever out there to read my blog, because most of you are still working. But please, do come and read it. Ask yourself: Are you happy with the government? The government who hesistates to make crucial decisions, just afraid of a small objection of the ministry, but be getting approvals from the millions of average Joes? Ask yourself: Do I care for what is happening now? Of course some will, some won't. People do tell me it was useless doing that. "What for? It's boring! It's hopeless! No one is going to listen to a bunch of teenagers ranting about politics". I might not agree but I won't bother to rebuke because of the previous situation. But now, look back at November 10, those who get tear gases, chemical waters, drenched wet, get beaten up, and yet still serving their purpose. Why are they doing that? Because THEY care! Isn't it time for us to do something too?

I know its impossible for me to do something crucial too. Some of you might think that it is stupid of me because I've never attended the event, and not doing any action to prove my sincerity because all I do is blog, HERE! Yes, I know people have been thinking of that for some bloggers, including me. They talk big, and not doing anything to help. Why don't you start by helping to give suggestions to those who ACTUALLY can make the difference? I will. I have been planning something for some time now. And it'll be soon before I actually put it into email to email it to the people responsible. And yes, I'll be demanding for something. I'll be demanding, or in polite terms, requesting, that our beloved media should get our independence back! To the media who wanted to continue enjoying the luxury of being under the government's umbrella, it's your choice. To those who don't, speak up! It's time you do something about it! Don't lose the opportunity to remain ethical to your own writing. You bear responsibility over the contents of your reports. You pay for the response of the audience to your reports. Do you dare to ask yourself that you only care of the sales of your newspapers, and not the quality?

I'm calling for those who feel hopeless to renew your hope. I'm calling for those who feel the need to speak up to speak up now. I'm calling, for those who's conscience are being kept hidden inside, to show it proudly now. Wear it in you. Be proud to show how much you truly wish for a change. We have done it, now the impact is there. It's high time we do make a difference for us! We will use the right methods to get what we want. We are not afraid, not now!
