Current Addictions.....(With Youtube Aids)

1) Cabal Online SEA

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS GAME! AND EPHYON'S IN IT. WE MAKE A GREAT TEAM! WHEE! Go google Cabal Online and check out how nice are their games man. Woohoo, I've so far seen anyone who was not hooked after I showed them the trailer. But woohoo, I love the game. And those actions performed are so true. Whee! XD. Go try it, and if you like it, I'll give you my name and we can become buddies. But I love this game! =D. I'm so addicted to it that I'd blog about it. Oh wait, it's supposed to be because it's my current addictions. Whee. CABAL ONLINE!

2) Amaranth by Nightwish (With More Cabal-ism!)

This song is very nice. And it really suited the atmosphere portrayed in Cabal Online. Wizard really rules because my boyfriend is one in the game. I'm more of the melee type, therefore I chose Force Blader! Yeah, but the wizard have one of the sickest spells around. Anyways, digresses aside, this song is really awesome. It's Amaranth by Nightwish, a Finnish rock band. I have a thing for European rock bands because they don't suck. No offense to American rock bands but they don't have the knack to mix different elements to make their rock songs even cooler, and that it doesn't sound like any pop song bouncing in song charts. This is really rock! Woohoo! Go rock your socks man! I'm a rocker chick to the core. Anything with rock and you can count me in it.

3) How to be Series (Show you the funniest one)

This is How to be Emo. Super freakingly funny. The funniest in the series to me, but check out their other videos too. They'll sure make your day happier instead of the "intended" emo-ness.

4) Mika's Happy Ending

So refreshing to hear such a song in the radio charts instead of thumping hip hop sounds or when I wanted to chill off from rocking. Who cares if he's abit gay? Who cares if he sounds like James Blunt? This song is just right for me. This is the one song that accompanied me while I continued my work without having Ephyon with me, especially after we have a fight and that I didn't want to talk to him. I think this song will be one of the better favourites for me. It might not be radio friendly, but it's mood-friendly. Another song to recommend for y'all out there

So there, my four current addictons. What's yours for the moment? =)


simee...i changed my blog url to make it easier to remember...pls take note ya...thanks =)