One year has passed by just like that

One year has passed by just like that; it seemed just barely a few days ago we became an item…

How time flies eh?

This is the 1st time I’ve ever written on a blog before, and I never had the patience to start a blog of mine cause I was simply too lazy, but for our one year anniversary she requested me to write a post signifying it’s importance… Ah well, only for you then love…

We’ve been through a lot this past year or so, lots of ups and downs.

I’m still not sure how exactly we became an item, it just happened. But I know for one thing is that I never regretted it. Being with you love has been great, I can’t tell you how much I appreciated having you by my side, having you to be there when I needed you most…

I’m not the best guy around, nor am I the easiest guy to live with, but despite all that you are still here with me, loving me, for that I am grateful. Thank you for loving me…

And so we have shared a year of togetherness,
We cried together,
We laughed together,
We cared for each other,
We teased each other,
And most importantly,

We love each other.

I guess it just boils down to those three magical words that hold more power than the might of the sun.

I love you.

-By Ephyon