I don't have to clarify

If you dare, show your face and ask me what is my problem with you.

Spreading my words behind my back without clearance will only led you and me being in an awkward situation.

I know, because I had the same thing happening in form 5.

I couldn't care less then. Why should I now?

Simply because the circle of people are different than before?

I was a loner then. If environment persists, I can turn into a loner like before, like always.

I can always relapse back to self-reclusion. But I know you can't.

So if you have a problem with me, talk to me, don't go around letting people assume I'm some kind of idiot oblivious about what has been going on.

Or are you just afraid to look at me face to face?

If you are, then go ahead and spread. I couldn't care less and I won't clarify unless somebody asked.


I'll always be alright. Cause I know I have myself to depend on.

Even if you see me crying it is not a sign of defeat or weakness. It is merely a release of pent-up emotion.

I'll just cry whenever I want to. I won't keep it in anymore.

I don't want to think of depression and suicide when I've been through that walkway of hell....keeping it in always makes me worst.

So, be a human. And I dare you to clarify things with me.