How la????!
I'm 0.01 short of having my chance of changing my category from category B to category C in my resumé! Or 0.008 depends on how I see it.
Yes I'm still stuck at a 2 perpuluhan 9, but oh I don't know how Buddha plays the fool with me, give me 2 perpuluhan 99, which I'm really fucking short of that very tiny weeny digits, to change my results to 3.0 and above!
And then I can happily go and change my category.
How la???!
Some industrial trainers said they might not take the short semester results into account. I agree, by mid semester I would already know which company I'd go to, which might or might not be a good choice T_T.
Lets see how I categorise it.
Good Choice = The Sun, News Straits Times.
Average Choice = The Star, Malay Mail
Bad Choice = Not listed in fear. Please ask me personally.
OH DARN IT! There's even a chance of going into Malay newspapers. How do they choose people to go where???
How now? Brown cow?
Takkan pay RM100 to mark the whole paper again just for that measly 0.008?
Oh, What to do???
Why oh why oh why am I put into such a tight situation.......><
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