Women are snobs; Men are slobs.

And I'm bored.

Yeap, great. I'm spending my holidays constantly staring on the laptop.

That's why I don't update much. I don't have much to update in the first place. It's like, my brain depreciates whenever I'm on the holiday. Which is why I don't really like it. What's a holiday when you sit around doing nothing?

And I have nothing to criticise for the moment cause I'm way behind. I've been reading a lot of criticisms though.

I can share something with you guys though.

I'm currently playing

Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures.

It's fun hearing that theme over and over again, as you play as mini Lego Indy fighting different stories based on the original trilogy. It's so cute, had been taking out my time to do them, as some are hard and very frustrating.

I was also re-playing Sam and Max, from Season 1 and Season 2. What's nice about a dog and his psychopath rabbit? All the references towards pop culture and the fact that they were so well together. =). I'm ever grateful that Dylane introduced me to this game, I'm addicted to it.

I'm such a gamer.

Hmm, or maybe it's time I go continue playing God of War 2, been keeping that in the racks since Chinese New Year due to the constant workload. I wonder if I should play that instead. Mindless hacking seems like a great idea to take out my time.

What else? Maybe I should go get more PC games that uses a lot of thinking, like, Broken Sword 4, provided that I found the one compatible with dual core. >_>

And, what else? Oh yeah, Lego Batman, after seeing the whole Alfred kicking villain's ass while gracefully holding the tray. As Ephyon said, he'll never let the tray go. Hehe. It's so cute.

Watch the video here.

And a new song for all to listen. I'm sure a lot of people have heard of the dance pop version, but I personally liked the acoustic one. Very erm sexy? Slash the fact that Akon's voice spoiled it. His voice should just stay at the dance pop version.
