I called. We chatted.
He couldn't do it my way. He was being helpful he said.
I couldn't do it his way. I won't learn how to tolerate.
The most, I told, was that I will 忍
That's the best I can do. I'm a born Scorpio. I can't be helped.
Because all he could say was sorry if he couldn't comply, and let our relationship rot.
My wish was that his problem can be solved. That's it. I don't see why I had to comply. It's not like he'll be the guardian forever.
What if he needs to? It's okay. I'm through. Maybe I'll back away. Who knows?
There will be a 6 month gap between me and him. My industrial training first, his industrial training later.
That gap might be widened or narrowed.
That 6 month sabbatical, that 6 month break from all things lovey dovey, that 6 months.
If we can maintain it, good.
If we can't?
Too bad.
Let it come. I want to be tested.
That's it. The end.
My next story is about the battle against Screamyx and Tek Ni Shen. Stay tuned.
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